Old Browser Script - need translation help

Hi there, I love the abilities of css3 and html5, but out there in the wild world, there are stil some internet explorers wich makes a website unable to look beautiful.

To prevent this, I will build an old browser script to detect when someone uses an outdated browser.
We all know wich people still using an outdated browser. It's my mom and some non-internet-knowing friends.

To help them get a newer, safer and faster browser I need your help! Please translate the following text into any languages you're good in.

I will build a neat little website for this script ,and of course, I will mention all of you, who helped me to translate the text. For that please post your twittername or website url to the translation.

Please send me an email:
martin.gauer [at] 9elements.com


Here is the Text:

Hello There, You’re running an outdated Browser. A lot of websites, including this one, will not work properly with this browser.
Please consider upgrading to a newer one. Here are some suggestions. They are faster, safer and free!

Thank you!


Sie benutzen einen alten Browser.
Viele Websiten, diese eingeschlossen, werden mit Ihrem Browser möglicherweise nicht korrekt angezeigt.

Bitte ziehen Sie es in Erwägung Ihren Browser auf den neusten Stand zu bringen.
Hier sind ein paar Vorschläge. Sie sind schneller, sicherer und kostenlos!


Italian: (@niuenso, niuenso.com )
Stai usando un browser un po' datato. 
Molti siti, compreso questo, non funzionano come dovrebbero con questo browser. 

Prendi in considerazione la possibilità di passare a un browser più aggiornato. Ecco alcuni tra cui scegliere. Sono performanti, sicuri e gratuiti. 
